Lab Members

Michelle Dyroy

Master's Student

Growing up in coastal Alaska, I had the opportunity to be surrounded by ocean life very early on. I was fortunate to be raised in a fishing family in Homer, AK and given the time to learn about fishing and the waters that were closest to us. My interest in fish and marine life ultimately led me to receiving my Bachelors in Marine and Environmental Science from Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage, Alaska.

During my time at Alaska Pacific University, I focused on fisheries science and policy. Also, during this time, I began my NOAA internship with the Conservation Engineering Group, located at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center. With their support and collaboration, I completed a capstone project concerning bycatch reduction of Pacific salmon in the Bering Sea pollock fishery.

Shortly after graduation, I took the summer to work with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game aboard the R/V Solstice on their offshore test fishery project. During this time, I received hands on experience identifying and sampling salmon for genetics. Later in the season, I helped on the Kenai River weir project, estimating salmon abundance in river using sonar and fish wheels.

Now as a graduate student, I am interested in bycatch reduction through gear modification and the use of bycatch reduction devices. In my research, I am focused on bycatch reduction of Pacific Halibut in the Bering Sea cod bottom trawl fishery. I am also interested in the use of performance indicators as tools for assessment in fisheries.

Outside of research, my passion is recording and writing music. I also love hiking, camping and fly fishing.

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Michelle Dyroy